Ana Yankova
Data Preparation (~ 4 h)
Looked at the available data formats and investigated different options for parsing the data
Project Proposal (~ 6 h)
Discussed and defined the presentation content with the team
Created the presentation slides
Presented the proposal together with Christoffer and Andreas
Project Design and Research (~ 12 h)
Took an active part in discussing and defining the project design
Researched different visualization methods for the project
Tested the project prototypes and gave feedback
Project Development and Testing (~ 8 h)
Tested the project at every stage
Identified and fixed issues
Final Presentation (~ 10 h)
Discussed and defined the presentation content with the team
Created the presentation slides
Presented a case study of the usage of the system - a story of the typical user and her needs
Usability Testing (~ 10 h)
Image by Borys Kozielski
Prepared a usability questionnaire together with Christoffer and a KI representative
Carried out tests with students from KI to evaluate the user interface usability
Analysed the test results
Discussed the results with the team and identified further steps for improving the product
Other Contributions (~ 16 h)
Co-created the script for the C Awards video
Helped coordinate project assignments and initiate team communication
Fixed issues with the website and the video
What I have learned
How to:
Create information visualization systems with D3
Demonstrate and explain an information visualization project
Test and evaluate an information visualization system